Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Tahun Baru dan Resolusi

You can’t change the past.

What do you guys think about those words?

Ya memang kata-katanya terdengar biasa aja. Tapi tau gak, kalau dibalik kalimat diatas ada banyak arti.

Sometimes kita melihat masa lalu kita tuh rada lebay. “Oh i wished i haven’t said that.” , “I want to go back in time and fix everything up.” But in my Bible it says that we should think like a child. Bukan berarti kita berubah jadi anak kecil. Tapi solve problems like a child.

Children do have feelings. But when trouble comes they don’t panic, because they believe their parents will help them and together they can somehow solve the problem.

In life we do have things that we regret. Banyak sekali hal yang terjadi namun tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita harapkan. Banyak hal buruk terjadi dan bahkan kita sendiri gak tau kenapa itu terjadi. But don’t over-think about it. And think like a child. Kita punya Tuhan yang sanggup membantu kita menyelesaikan masalah kita. All you have to do is just believe in Him and have a faith that everything’s gonna be okay.

2012 is coming to an end. I know maybe it’s not our best year. Kadang kita berada di titik terendah kita, and we feel like giving up. Kadang kita juga berada di titik tertinggi kita and sometimes in that kind of situation we forgot about God or anyone that lift us up. It probably has been a tough year.

Believe me, i’ve been through A LOT  of things this year and i feel like i would make a time machine just to go back and fix what has happened. But it doesn’t really matter eventually. Because it’s not about where it started. It’s not about what we have been through. It’s not about how tough we have been fighting, but it’s about how we ended it.

New year is coming. And when the 2013 has arrived, let’s live up the year to the fullest. Make the time, spend times more with your loved ones and believe me, you’re going to face the days like a boss.

And to start 2013 we need to make resolutions in life.

Di tahun 2013 nanti kalian pasti ingin berubah menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik kan? And so do i. I have some of resolutions in life. Which are:

1.    Lebih Cinta Tuhan.
I feel like that going to church and read your Bible everyday isn’t enough. I want to have a relationship with God. Hubungan yang erat dan deep banget. Pingin lebih banyak curhat sama Tuhan. Pingin punya hati Tuhan. Pingin tau isi hatinya Tuhan. Terlebih lagi pingin ngerasain ada di hati nya Tuhan.

2.    Lebih care dengan sesama.
Entah berbentuk senyuman atau dengan kata-kata atau mungkin pelukan. Yang jelas i want to make them feel special.

3.    Lebih tekun.
Lebih tekun di dalam segala hal. Tekun ibadah, tekun belajar, dan lebih tekun mikirin kamu :3 (sumpah geli)

Itu serangkain resolusi saya di tahun 2013 kalau kamu?

Love, Clara.

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